Thursday, February 1, 2007

I love the Bean, too

It's hard to tell sometimes what Peter thinks about me being pregnant. He's pleased -- that's for sure -- but sometimes I feel like it's a "Oh, that's nice" kind of pleased rather than a "Hooray!!! We're having a baby!!!" kind of pleased.

The other day, I was reading about week 6 of pregnancy, and saw that it says "Right now she's about the size of a small lentil bean." That night while we were watching TV, I told Peter that it was amazing how much energy it takes to make something the size of a bean (I have to take a nap or two most days). He sort of smiled, and went on reading his email. Later though, he said, "I love you" in that random way he does, then added, "And I love the Bean, too."

Sometimes he can be so romantic without even trying.

New symptom: Acne! Ugh! I had always been told that getting pregnant might finally deal with my acne problem once and for all. I had no idea that it could make it worse! Oh well, chalk up one more to the hormones. On the plus size, they say that acne indicates that the baby's a girl... so that would be nice.

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