Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Peter thinks I should write down my dreams -- not because they make sense in any plot sort of way, but because they don't seem to make any sense at all. Last night we were living homeless -- in a cheerful Bohemian sort of way. We slept in a couple of different places: a community center with a couple of hundred other people bedding down on the floor (they all seemed to be there by choice having given up the materialism of ownership); a big bed on somebody's veranda with a couple of other people, where we could wake up to watch the sun rise over the ocean; a dingy hotel where Dad was staying for some reason; and a very posh hotel where Mom was staying for some reason. I have the feeling that Mom was on the lam, and had some sort of contraband hidden in her backpack under the knitting. At the posh hotel, we went to a concert of experimental music where a lady played a drum accompaniment to the sound of various types of bread and fruits being fed into a wood chipper. At the intermission, everybody went up and ate beautiful hors d'oeuvres made of the chopped food.


Kathey said...

We love the detail that you remembered! We especially laughed about the different kinds of hotels your parents stayed in, the contraband being hidden under the knitting, and the sound of the fruit and bread being fed through the wood chipper. Delightful.

Love, Kathey & Jim

tpmotd said...

What a great dream! I agree with Peter: you should write down the dreams you have. They beat all the ones I have for sure.